
ISMSICS Workshop

Instructional Course: Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery


Jagannath Boramani, India

Session Details

15:30 – 15:38

Construction of scleral tunnel

Jagannath Boramani, India

15:38 – 15:46

Problems in construction of scleral tunnels

Kimaya Chavan, India

15:46 – 15:54

Taking the nucleus out of the capsular bag

Manisha Rathi, India

15:54 – 16:02

Nuclear delivery

Santosh Bhide, India

16:02 – 16:09

Endoexpression of nucleus

Neeta Dodwad, India

16:09 – 16:16

Blumenthal’s miniNuc technique

Priyanka Boramani, India

16:16 – 16:30
