
Instruction Course on OCT and OCTA Interpretation


Kanika Aggarwal, UAE

Session Details

16:30 – 16:42

OCTA nomenclature and terminology

Anfal Almazrooe, UAE

16:42 – 16:54

OCTA: Acquisition and segmentation slabs

Feras Jaalouk, UAE

16:54 – 17:06

Interpreting artefacts in OCTA

Prasan Rao , UAE

17:06 – 17:18

OCTA recognition of neovascularization and ischemia

Ibraheem El-Ghrably,  UAE

17:18 – 17:30

OCT/OCTA of vitreoretinal interface: ERM and LHEP

Salim Zafar Asaad, UAE

Event Timeslots (1)

Hall 1-1
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