
Instructional Course in Complicated Cataract Surgery


Usman Mahmood, UAE

Session Details

11:30 – 11:38

My approach to complicated cataract surgeries

Mostafa Nabih, Egypt

11:38 – 11:46

Preoperative assessment of complicated cases

Haytham Salti, UAE

11:46 – 11:54

Techniques to crack the nucleus

Ramzi Ghanem , UAE

11:54 – 12:02

Managing posterior capsular rents

Alaa Attawan, UAE

12:02 – 12:10

Techniques to place IOL in difficult situations

Mohit Jain, UAE

12:10 – 12:18

Management of nucleus drop

Hany Hamza, Egypt

12:18 – 12:30


Event Timeslots (1)

Hall 1-2
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