
Instructional Course in Refractive Diabetic Macular Edema. Intravitreal Injection


Nicola Ghazi, UAE

Session Details

16:30 – 16:38

When do I call it refractory DME

 Ammar Safar, UAE

16:38 – 16:46

Pre-injection requisites and systemic parameters

 Feras Jaalouk, UAE

16:46 – 16:54

Choice of agents: Managing refractory DME

 Fahd Quhill, UAE

16:54 – 17:02

Techniques of appropriate sterilization

 Jay Kalliath, UAE

17:02 – 17:10

Post-injection follow-up: Infections and inflammations

 Vasu Kumar, UAE

17:10 – 17:18

Injecting implants and newer agents: Tips and tricks

 Ibraheem El-Ghrably, UAE

17:18 – 17:30


Event Timeslots (1)

Hall 1-2
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